Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Clearly I have been slacking...April 9th! Really!?! April 9th was my last post??!! Sad....


I've always been one to have a few very close friends as opposed to a bunch of acquaintances. Growing up in Oregon this meant that the few close friends I had were people that I've known for many years and that know my story. Moving to Colorado has proven to be difficult in the friend department. You'd think that I have a built in friend maker with Jackson in tow...common interest with another mom by having children around the same age so it'd be a piece of cake to meet someone at a park or museum or something. Not so much...

Sure it's awkward but not that difficult to start a casual conversation with someone..perhaps about something funny your kid just did or asking them how old their kid is...yadda yadda yadda. But to take it beyond that is excruciatingly difficult for me!  How do you ask someone for their phone number so you can hang out with them after having a 10minute conversation with them without coming off like you're "interested" in them?!? I feel like I have to throw in "I have a husband!" Ugh just so awkward! So I had gone 10months here without meeting anyone! Jackson and I were in our daily groove so I guess I just let time pass us by...we got comfortable.

Until!!! Jesse and I took Jack to a playground to play one morning and Jesse said something about the weather to this mom who had a boy that Jackson was playing with and boom! FRIEND! We chatted for awhile and I asked for her number and we have become good friends! YAY!

Awhile before that Jackson was in a preschool aged playgroup at the rec center weekly and I had stricken up a conversation with a really nice mom who's son was Jackson's age. We chatted weekly and then we went back to Oregon for awhile and that was that. A few weeks after we came back I ran into her at the playground and boom! FRIEND! YAY! Now we meet at least once a week to let the kiddos run around at the playground and they are best buddies!

So I guess it just takes time and a wee bit of confidence! While our hearts are always in Oregon with our friends and family it does make it easier to be here for the time that we are if we have a few friends :) I am so thankful for these two woman and their kiddos for helping Jackson and I feel more comfortable in a place that still doesn't really feel like home.

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